44 : m_relPath(relPath), m_sourceFileName(sourceFileName), m_col(0)
78 int spacesToNextTabStop;
80 const int maxLineLen = 108;
81 QCString result(4*maxLineLen+1);
89 case '\t': spacesToNextTabStop =
90 tabSize - (
92 m_col+=spacesToNextTabStop;
95 case '\n':
m_t <<
m_col=0; p++;
102 #define COPYCHAR() do { \
103 result[i++]=c; p++; \
108 if (((uchar)c&0xE0)==0xE0) \
113 if (((uchar)c&0xF0)==0xF0) \
125 if (
132 while (
m_col<maxLineLen && (c=*p) &&
133 c!=0x0c && c!=
'\t' && c!=
'\n' && c!=
' '
138 if (
161 const char *anchor,
const char *name,
166 int l = qstrlen(name);
172 if (!ref && usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
174 m_t <<
176 if (f && anchor)
m_t <<
177 if (anchor)
m_t << anchor;
196 lineNumber.sprintf(
201 lineAnchor.sprintf(
204 if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
206 m_t <<
"\\hypertarget{" <<
stripPath(lineAnchor) <<
235 m_t <<
"\\textcolor{" << name <<
266 QCString fileName=dir+
267 QFile file(fileName);
268 if (!file.open(IO_WriteOnly))
270 err(
"Could not open file %s for writing\n",fileName.data());
280 t <<
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282 <<
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284 <<
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286 <<
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288 <<
"pdf_2on1: refman_2on1.pdf" <<
290 <<
"refman.ps: refman.dvi" <<
291 <<
"\tdvips -o refman.ps refman.dvi" <<
293 t <<
"refman.pdf: refman.ps" <<
294 t <<
"\tps2pdf refman.ps refman.pdf" << endl <<
295 t <<
"refman.dvi: clean refman.tex doxygen.sty" << endl
296 <<
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297 <<
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" refman.tex" << endl
298 <<
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299 <<
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" refman.idx" <<
302 t <<
"\techo \"Running bibtex...\"" <<
303 t <<
"\tbibtex refman" <<
304 t <<
"\techo \"Rerunning latex....\"" <<
305 t <<
"\t" << latex_command <<
" refman.tex" <<
307 t <<
"\techo \"Rerunning latex....\"" << endl
308 <<
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" refman.tex" << endl
309 <<
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310 <<
"\twhile egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' refman.log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\\" << endl
311 <<
"\t do \\" << endl
312 <<
"\t echo \"Rerunning latex....\" ;\\" << endl
313 <<
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" refman.tex ;\\" << endl
314 <<
"\t latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1` ;\\" << endl
316 <<
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" refman.idx" << endl
317 <<
"\t" << latex_command <<
" refman.tex" << endl << endl
318 <<
"refman_2on1.ps: refman.ps" << endl
319 <<
"\tpsnup -2 refman.ps >refman_2on1.ps" << endl
321 <<
"refman_2on1.pdf: refman_2on1.ps" << endl
322 <<
"\tps2pdf refman_2on1.ps refman_2on1.pdf" <<
326 t <<
"all: refman.pdf" <<
endl <<
327 <<
"pdf: refman.pdf" <<
endl <<
328 t <<
"refman.pdf: clean refman.tex" <<
329 t <<
"\tpdflatex refman" <<
330 t <<
"\t" << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx" <<
333 t <<
"\tbibtex refman" <<
334 t <<
"\tpdflatex refman" <<
336 t <<
"\tpdflatex refman" << endl
337 <<
"\tlatex_count=8 ; \\" << endl
338 <<
"\twhile egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' refman.log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\\" << endl
339 <<
"\t do \\" << endl
340 <<
"\t echo \"Rerunning latex....\" ;\\" << endl
341 <<
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342 <<
"\t latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1` ;\\" << endl
344 <<
"\t" << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx" << endl
345 <<
"\tpdflatex refman" << endl <<
351 <<
"*.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out *.brf *.blg *.bbl refman.pdf" <<
356 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
358 QCString fileName=dir+
361 QFile file(fileName);
363 if (!file.open(IO_WriteOnly))
365 err(
"Could not open file %s for writing\n",fileName.data());
369 t <<
"set Dir_Old=%cd%\n";
370 t <<
"cd /D %~dp0\n\n";
371 t <<
"del /s /f *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out *.brf *.blg *.bbl refman.pdf\n\n";
374 t << latex_command <<
" refman.tex\n";
376 t << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx\n";
379 t <<
"bibtex refman\n";
381 t << latex_command <<
" refman.tex\n";
383 t <<
"setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\n";
384 t <<
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386 t <<
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387 t <<
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388 t <<
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389 t <<
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390 t <<
"set /a count-=1\n";
391 t <<
"if !count! EQU 0 goto :skip\n\n";
393 t << latex_command <<
" refman.tex\n";
394 t <<
"goto :repeat\n";
397 t << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx\n";
398 t << latex_command <<
" refman.tex\n";
399 t <<
"dvips -o refman.ps refman.dvi\n";
400 t <<
"gswin32c -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite "
401 "-sOutputFile=refman.pdf -c save pop -f refman.ps\n";
405 t <<
"pdflatex refman\n";
407 t << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx\n";
410 t <<
"bibtex refman" <<
411 t <<
"pdflatex refman" <<
414 t <<
"pdflatex refman\n\n";
415 t <<
"setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\n";
416 t <<
"set count=8\n";
418 t <<
"set content=X\n";
419 t <<
"for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun LaTeX\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\n";
420 t <<
"if !content! == X for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun to get cross-references right\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\n";
421 t <<
"if !content! == X goto :skip\n";
422 t <<
"set /a count-=1\n";
423 t <<
"if !count! EQU 0 goto :skip\n\n";
425 t <<
"pdflatex refman\n";
426 t <<
"goto :repeat\n";
429 t << mkidx_command <<
" refman.idx\n";
430 t <<
"pdflatex refman\n";
431 t <<
"cd /D %Dir_Old%\n";
432 t <<
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442 if (!d.exists() && !d.mkdir(dir))
444 err(
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460 t <<
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465 documentClass =
467 documentClass =
468 t <<
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472 t <<
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474 "\\usepackage{calc}\n"
475 "\\usepackage{doxygen}\n"
476 "\\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % also loads graphicx\n";
477 QStrList extraLatexStyle =
478 for (uint i=0; i<extraLatexStyle.count(); ++i)
480 QCString fileName(extraLatexStyle.at(i));
481 if (!fileName.isEmpty())
483 QFileInfo fi(fileName);
493 t <<
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498 t <<
499 "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n"
500 "\\usepackage{makeidx}\n"
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502 "\\usepackage{multirow}\n"
503 "\\PassOptionsToPackage{warn}{textcomp}\n"
504 "\\usepackage{textcomp}\n"
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506 "\\usepackage[table]{xcolor}\n"
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513 t <<
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519 t <<
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520 "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n"
521 "\\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}\n"
522 "\\usepackage{courier}\n"
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524 "\\usepackage{sectsty}\n"
525 "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\sfdefault}\n"
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528 " \\color{darkgray}%\n"
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532 " \\color{darkgray}%\n"
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543 " " << paperName <<
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554 "\\setlength{\\emergencystretch}{15pt}\n"
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558 t <<
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560 " \\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0ex}{-1.0ex}{1.0ex}{%\n"
561 " \\normalfont\\normalsize\\bfseries\\SS@parafont%\n"
564 "\\renewcommand{\\subparagraph}{%\n"
565 " \\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{0ex}{-1.0ex}{1.0ex}{%\n"
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574 QCString generatedBy;
586 t <<
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588 "\\pagestyle{fancyplain}\n"
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594 "\\fancyhead[RO]{\\fancyplain{}{\\bfseries\\thepage}}\n"
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596 "\\fancyfoot[CE]{\\fancyplain{}{}}\n"
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" Doxygen }}\n"
598 "\\fancyfoot[LO]{\\fancyplain{}{\\bfseries\\scriptsize " << genString <<
" Doxygen }}\n"
599 "\\fancyfoot[CO]{\\fancyplain{}{}}\n"
600 "\\fancyfoot[RO]{\\fancyplain{}{}}\n"
601 "\\renewcommand{\\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}\n";
604 t <<
605 " \\markboth{#1}{}%\n"
608 t <<
609 " \\markright{\\thesection\\ #1}%\n"
614 t <<
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615 "\\usepackage{natbib}\n"
616 "\\usepackage[titles]{tocloft}\n"
617 "\\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}\n"
618 "\\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5}\n"
628 t <<
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633 " \\usepackage[ps2pdf,pagebackref=true]{hyperref}\n"
636 " colorlinks=true,%\n"
637 " linkcolor=blue,%\n"
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645 t <<
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646 "\\newcommand{\\clearemptydoublepage}{%\n"
647 " \\newpage{\\pagestyle{empty}\\cleardoublepage}%\n"
652 t <<
653 <<
656 t <<
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658 "\\begin{document}\n";
660 t <<
664 t <<
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666 if (pdfHyperlinks && usePDFLatex)
670 t <<
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677 "\\begin{titlepage}\n"
698 t <<
700 t <<
701 "\\end{titlepage}\n";
704 t <<
705 t <<
708 t <<
710 t <<
711 t <<
714 if (pdfHyperlinks && usePDFLatex)
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720 "%--- Begin generated contents ---\n";
730 t <<
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750 "\\clearemptydoublepage\n"
762 t <<
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809 t <<
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820 if (latexHeader.isEmpty())
835 if (latexHeader.isEmpty())
841 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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849 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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853 if (compactLatex)
t <<
else t <<
857 if (compactLatex)
t <<
else t <<
861 if (compactLatex)
t <<
else t <<
865 if (compactLatex)
t <<
else t <<
869 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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873 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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881 for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current()) && !found;++gli)
885 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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897 for (dli.toFirst();(dd=dli.current()) && !found;++dli)
901 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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913 for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current()) && !found;++nli)
917 if (compactLatex)
t <<
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t <<
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952 for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
958 if (compactLatex)
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970 if (compactLatex)
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998 if (latexHeader.isEmpty())
1006 QCString indexName=
1007 t <<
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1016 t <<
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1028 t <<
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1203 if (compactLatex)
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1329 const char *path,
const char *name)
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1392 const char *anchor,
const char *text)
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1437 t <<
1450 t <<
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1491 t <<
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1559 static const char *levelLab[] = {
"subparagraph" };
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"/" << memTotal <<
1582 t <<
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1594 const char *anchor,
const char *,
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1601 t <<
1603 if (anchor)
t <<
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t <<
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1622 if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
1667 if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks)
1669 t <<
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stripPath(lab) <<
1681 default: ASSERT(0);
1694 default: ASSERT(0);
1702 t <<
"}\\label{" << lab <<
"}" <<
1726 const char *fileName,
const char *)
1736 t <<
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1737 t <<
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1747 t <<
endl <<
1757 t <<
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1774 t <<
"\\item " <<
1793 t <<
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1797 for (
int i=0;i<
t <<
1807 t <<
1845 t <<
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1850 t <<
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1857 t <<
1880 t <<
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1901 t <<
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1908 if (hasHeader)
t <<
1924 t <<
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1944 if (hasHeader)
t <<
1996 t <<
"\\begin{description}" <<
2001 t <<
"\\end{description}" <<
2025 const char *anchor,
const char *title)
2027 t <<
2041 t <<
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2046 t <<
2053 t <<
"\\end{Desc}" <<
2059 if (openBracket)
t <<
2060 t <<
2070 if (!first && key)
t << key;
2088 t <<
2089 if (closeBracket)
t <<
2097 else if (closeBracket)
2112 t <<
2115 t <<
"\\begin{description}" <<
2120 t <<
"\\item[{\\em ";
2147 t <<
"\\end{description}" <<
2148 t <<
"\\end{Desc}" <<
2153 t <<
2158 t <<
2165 t <<
2169 t <<
2194 t <<
2199 t <<
2209 t <<
"\\end{DoxyEnumFields}" <<
2213 t <<
"\\end{DoxyFields}" <<
2241 t <<
"\\\\\n\\hline\n" <<
2246 t <<
2251 t <<
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2252 if (!isLast)
t <<
", ";