My Project
#include <translator_am.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual QCString | idLanguage () |
virtual QCString | latexLanguageSupportCommand () |
virtual QCString | trRelatedFunctions () |
virtual QCString | trRelatedSubscript () |
virtual QCString | trDetailedDescription () |
virtual QCString | trMemberTypedefDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trMemberEnumerationDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trMemberFunctionDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trMemberDataDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trMore () |
virtual QCString | trListOfAllMembers () |
virtual QCString | trMemberList () |
virtual QCString | trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers () |
virtual QCString | trIncludingInheritedMembers () |
virtual QCString | trGeneratedAutomatically (const char *s) |
virtual QCString | trEnumName () |
virtual QCString | trEnumValue () |
virtual QCString | trDefinedIn () |
virtual QCString | trModules () |
virtual QCString | trClassHierarchy () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundList () |
virtual QCString | trFileList () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundMembers () |
virtual QCString | trFileMembers () |
virtual QCString | trRelatedPages () |
virtual QCString | trExamples () |
virtual QCString | trSearch () |
virtual QCString | trClassHierarchyDescription () |
virtual QCString | trFileListDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trCompoundListDescription () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundMembersDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trFileMembersDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trExamplesDescription () |
virtual QCString | trRelatedPagesDescription () |
virtual QCString | trModulesDescription () |
virtual QCString | trDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trModuleIndex () |
virtual QCString | trHierarchicalIndex () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundIndex () |
virtual QCString | trFileIndex () |
virtual QCString | trModuleDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trClassDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trFileDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trExampleDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trPageDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trReferenceManual () |
virtual QCString | trDefines () |
virtual QCString | trTypedefs () |
virtual QCString | trEnumerations () |
virtual QCString | trFunctions () |
virtual QCString | trVariables () |
virtual QCString | trEnumerationValues () |
virtual QCString | trDefineDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trTypedefDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trEnumerationTypeDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trFunctionDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trVariableDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trCompounds () |
virtual QCString | trGeneratedAt (const char *date, const char *projName) |
virtual QCString | trClassDiagram (const char *clName) |
virtual QCString | trForInternalUseOnly () |
virtual QCString | trWarning () |
virtual QCString | trVersion () |
virtual QCString | trDate () |
virtual QCString | trReturns () |
virtual QCString | trSeeAlso () |
virtual QCString | trParameters () |
virtual QCString | trExceptions () |
virtual QCString | trGeneratedBy () |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceList () |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceListDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trFriends () |
virtual QCString | trRelatedFunctionDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundReference (const char *clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) |
virtual QCString | trFileReference (const char *fileName) |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceReference (const char *namespaceName) |
virtual QCString | trPublicMembers () |
virtual QCString | trPublicSlots () |
virtual QCString | trSignals () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPublicMembers () |
virtual QCString | trProtectedMembers () |
virtual QCString | trProtectedSlots () |
virtual QCString | trStaticProtectedMembers () |
virtual QCString | trPrivateMembers () |
virtual QCString | trPrivateSlots () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPrivateMembers () |
virtual QCString | trWriteList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trInheritsList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trInheritedByList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trReimplementedFromList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trReimplementedInList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceMembers () |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceMemberDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceIndex () |
virtual QCString | trNamespaceDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trNamespaces () |
virtual QCString | trGeneratedFromFiles (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) |
virtual QCString | trReturnValues () |
virtual QCString | trMainPage () |
virtual QCString | trPageAbbreviation () |
virtual QCString | trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile () |
virtual QCString | trDefinedInSourceFile () |
virtual QCString | trDeprecated () |
virtual QCString | trCollaborationDiagram (const char *clName) |
virtual QCString | trInclDepGraph (const char *fName) |
virtual QCString | trConstructorDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trGotoSourceCode () |
virtual QCString | trGotoDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trPrecondition () |
virtual QCString | trPostcondition () |
virtual QCString | trInvariant () |
virtual QCString | trInitialValue () |
virtual QCString | trCode () |
virtual QCString | trGraphicalHierarchy () |
virtual QCString | trGotoGraphicalHierarchy () |
virtual QCString | trGotoTextualHierarchy () |
virtual QCString | trPageIndex () |
virtual QCString | trNote () |
virtual QCString | trPublicTypes () |
virtual QCString | trPublicAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPublicAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trProtectedTypes () |
virtual QCString | trProtectedAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trStaticProtectedAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trPrivateTypes () |
virtual QCString | trPrivateAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPrivateAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trTodo () |
virtual QCString | trTodoList () |
virtual QCString | trReferencedBy () |
virtual QCString | trRemarks () |
virtual QCString | trAttention () |
virtual QCString | trInclByDepGraph () |
virtual QCString | trSince () |
virtual QCString | trLegendTitle () |
virtual QCString | trLegendDocs () |
virtual QCString | trLegend () |
virtual QCString | trTest () |
virtual QCString | trTestList () |
virtual QCString | trProperties () |
virtual QCString | trPropertyDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trClasses () |
virtual QCString | trPackage (const char *name) |
virtual QCString | trPackageList () |
virtual QCString | trPackageListDescription () |
virtual QCString | trPackages () |
virtual QCString | trDefineValue () |
virtual QCString | trBug () |
virtual QCString | trBugList () |
virtual QCString | trRTFansicp () |
virtual QCString | trRTFCharSet () |
virtual QCString | trRTFGeneralIndex () |
virtual QCString | trClass (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trFile (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trNamespace (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trGroup (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trPage (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trMember (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trGlobal (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trAuthor (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trReferences () |
virtual QCString | trImplementedFromList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trImplementedInList (int numEntries) |
virtual QCString | trRTFTableOfContents () |
virtual QCString | trDeprecatedList () |
virtual QCString | trEvents () |
virtual QCString | trEventDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trPackageTypes () |
virtual QCString | trPackageMembers () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPackageMembers () |
virtual QCString | trPackageAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trStaticPackageAttribs () |
virtual QCString | trAll () |
virtual QCString | trCallGraph () |
virtual QCString | trSearchResultsTitle () |
virtual QCString | trSearchResults (int numDocuments) |
virtual QCString | trSearchMatches () |
virtual QCString | trSourceFile (QCString &filename) |
virtual QCString | trDirIndex () |
virtual QCString | trDirDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trDirectories () |
virtual QCString | trDirDescription () |
virtual QCString | trDirReference (const char *dirName) |
virtual QCString | trDir (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trOverloadText () |
virtual QCString | trCallerGraph () |
virtual QCString | trEnumerationValueDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundListFortran () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundMembersFortran () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundListDescriptionFortran () |
virtual QCString | trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trCompoundIndexFortran () |
virtual QCString | trTypeDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trSubprograms () |
virtual QCString | trSubprogramDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trDataTypes () |
virtual QCString | trModulesList () |
virtual QCString | trModulesListDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trCompoundReferenceFortran (const char *clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) |
virtual QCString | trModuleReference (const char *namespaceName) |
virtual QCString | trModulesMembers () |
virtual QCString | trModulesMemberDescription (bool extractAll) |
virtual QCString | trModulesIndex () |
virtual QCString | trModule (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trGeneratedFromFilesFortran (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) |
virtual QCString | trType (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trSubprogram (bool first_capital, bool singular) |
virtual QCString | trTypeConstraints () |
virtual QCString | trDirRelation (const char *name) |
virtual QCString | trLoading () |
virtual QCString | trGlobalNamespace () |
virtual QCString | trSearching () |
virtual QCString | trNoMatches () |
virtual QCString | trFileIn (const char *name) |
virtual QCString | trIncludesFileIn (const char *name) |
virtual QCString | trDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, bool includeTime) |
virtual QCString | trCiteReferences () |
virtual QCString | trCopyright () |
virtual QCString | trDirDepGraph (const char *name) |
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_0 | |
virtual QCString | updateNeededMessage () |
virtual QCString | trDetailLevel () |
virtual QCString | trTemplateParameters () |
virtual QCString | trAndMore (const QCString &number) |
virtual QCString | trEnumGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) |
virtual QCString | trEnumReference (const char *name) |
virtual QCString | trInheritedFrom (const char *members, const char *what) |
virtual QCString | trAdditionalInheritedMembers () |
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_2 | |
virtual QCString | trPanelSynchronisationTooltip (bool enable) |
virtual QCString | trProvidedByCategory () |
virtual QCString | trExtendsClass () |
virtual QCString | trClassMethods () |
virtual QCString | trInstanceMethods () |
virtual QCString | trMethodDocumentation () |
virtual QCString | trDesignOverview () |
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_4 | |
virtual QCString | trInterfaces () |
virtual QCString | trServices () |
virtual QCString | trConstantGroups () |
virtual QCString | trConstantGroupReference (const char *namespaceName) |
virtual QCString | trServiceReference (const char *sName) |
virtual QCString | trSingletonReference (const char *sName) |
virtual QCString | trServiceGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) |
virtual QCString | trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase | |
virtual | ~TranslatorAdapterBase () |
QCString | createUpdateNeededMessage (const QCString &languageName, const QCString &versionString) |
Protected Attributes inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase | |
TranslatorEnglish | english |
Definition at line 25 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used for identification of the language.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 29 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 33 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page to link to the unfiltered list of all members.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1350 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
This text is generated when the \author command is used and for the author section in man pages.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1225 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a marker that is put before a \bug item
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1105 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as the header of the bug list
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1110 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1478 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Put in front of the call graph for a function.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1355 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Header for the page with bibliographic citations
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1791 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1138 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
this text is put before a class diagram
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 467 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 337 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1063 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 136 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the class hierarchy.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 196 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text used the source code in the file index
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 833 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is put before a collaboration diagram
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 788 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 310 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1532 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 140 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the annotated compound list.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 211 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1506 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1498 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 157 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with all class members.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 225 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1510 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1502 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 546 of file translator_am.h.
References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1573 of file translator_am.h.
References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 440 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 798 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text for copyright paragraph
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1795 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1556 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \date command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 485 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Compiles a date string.
year | Year in 4 digits |
month | Month of the year: 1=January |
day | Day of the Month: 1..31 |
dayOfWeek | Day of the week: 1=Monday..7=Sunday |
hour | Hour of the day: 0..23 |
minutes | Minutes in the hour: 0..59 |
seconds | Seconds within the minute: 0..59 |
includeTime | Include time in the result string? |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1767 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 765 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
put after an undocumented member in the list of all members
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 124 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 769 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of documentation blocks for defines
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 410 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of defines
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 374 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text shown before a multi-line define
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1095 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Used as the header of the list of item that have been flagged deprecated
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1282 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 50 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This returns the word directory with or without starting capital (first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (singular).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1453 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Header for the graph showing the directory dependencies
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1799 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This returns a sentences that introduces the directory hierarchy. and the fact that it is sorted alphabetically per level
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1439 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation of the directories.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1427 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1433 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory hierarchy.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1421 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the directory is passed via dirName.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1447 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
This is used in HTML as the title of index.html.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 292 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of enumerations
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 386 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration types
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 422 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration values
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1486 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 404 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
put after an enum name in the list of all members
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 116 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
put after an enum value in the list of all members
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 120 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Header used for the documentation section of a class' events.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1299 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in a C# program
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1294 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all examples.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 358 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all examples.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 188 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 277 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \exception command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 501 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1157 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all files.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 352 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the first column mentions the source file that has a relation to another file.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1743 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the list of all files.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 325 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 153 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the list with all files.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 202 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all members of files.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 171 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with all file members.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 253 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the HTML page of a file
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 584 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \internal command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 473 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all friends of a class
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 528 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for functions
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 428 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) functions
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 392 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a group before the list of links to documented files
This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when the page was generated
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 458 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. parameter s is name of the project name.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 109 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 505 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 722 of file translator_am.h.
References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.
inlinevirtual |
This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1655 of file translator_am.h.
References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1212 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Label used for search results in the global namespace
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1718 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 808 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 841 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 803 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 845 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 837 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1179 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the class hierarchy.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 304 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are implemented by this one.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1250 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all members that implementation this member.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1258 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 940 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is put before an include dependency graph
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 793 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the second column mentions the destination file that is included.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1752 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 103 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes, if class diagrams are disabled.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 654 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, if class diagrams are disabled.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 646 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 828 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text for the \invariant command
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 823 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
text for the link to the legend page
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1023 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted The A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 963 of file translator_am.h.
References getDotImageExtension().
inlinevirtual |
title of the graph legend page
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 956 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
put in the class documentation
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 84 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Loading message shown when loading search results
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1712 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 752 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1201 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of member attributes.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 66 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of enumerations.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 58 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of member functions.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 62 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1494 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 91 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
header that is put before the list of typedefs.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 54 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1646 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all groups.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 331 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all groups.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 298 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1610 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of compounds or files (see the \group command).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 132 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 285 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all modules (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1639 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1560 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1564 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1620 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1616 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 79 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1168 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all namespaces.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 702 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all namespaces.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 696 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 513 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as an introduction to the namespace list
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 517 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 680 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 676 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 590 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation before the list of all namespaces in a file.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 712 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text shown when no search results are found
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1730 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
This text is added to the documentation when the \overload command is used for a overloaded function.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1467 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as the title of a Java package
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1075 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package scope.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1331 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Title of the package index page
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1080 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
The description of the package index page
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1085 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package scope.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1317 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
The link name in the Quick links header for each page
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1090 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1310 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1190 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 758 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all related pages.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 364 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \param command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 497 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text for the \post command
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 818 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Text for the \pre command
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 813 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 897 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 611 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Used as a section header for IDL properties
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1048 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a section header for IDL property documentation
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1053 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 885 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 605 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 607 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 881 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 866 of file translator_am.h.
References Config_getBool.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 597 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 928 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 368 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1238 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are hidden by this one.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 662 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 670 of file translator_am.h.
References trWriteList().
inlinevirtual |
used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 538 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 42 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to all related pages.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 184 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 281 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
subscript for the related functions.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 46 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 932 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \return command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 489 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used as the heading text for the retval command.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 747 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as ansicpg for RTF file
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1119 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1124 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as header RTF general index
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1129 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table of Contents.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1270 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is put above each page as a link to the search engine.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 192 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Message shown while searching
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1724 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1398 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This string is put just before listing the search results. The text can be different depending on the number of documents found. Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert the number representing the actual number of search results. The numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside the returned string.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1379 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This string is used as the title for the page listing the search results.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1367 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \sa command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 493 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1409 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with package scope.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1338 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with package scope.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1324 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 901 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 615 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 889 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 609 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 877 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 603 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1689 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1550 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1544 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a marker that is put before a test item
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1033 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as the header of the test list
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1038 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 98 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as a marker that is put before a todo item
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 912 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
Used as the header of the todo list
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 918 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1679 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
C# Type Constraint list
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1697 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for typedefs
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 416 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of typedefs
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 380 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all data types (Fortran).
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 1538 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for variables
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 434 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 398 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \version command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 481 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this text is generated when the \warning command is used.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 477 of file translator_am.h.
inlinevirtual |
this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.
Implements Translator.
Definition at line 621 of file translator_am.h.
References generateMarker().
Referenced by trImplementedFromList(), trImplementedInList(), trInheritedByList(), trInheritsList(), trReimplementedFromList(), and trReimplementedInList().