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searchindex.h File Reference
#include <qintdict.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qvector.h>
#include "sortdict.h"
#include "definition.h"
#include "util.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  URL
struct  URLInfo
class  IndexWord
class  SearchIndexIntf
class  SearchIndex
class  SearchIndexExternal
class  SearchDefinitionList
class  SearchIndexList
struct  SearchIndexInfo


#define SEARCH_INDEX_ALL   0


void initSearchIndexer ()
void finializeSearchIndexer ()
void createJavascriptSearchIndex ()
void writeJavascriptSearchIndex ()
const SearchIndexInfogetSearchIndices ()

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SEARCH_INDEX_ALL   0

Definition at line 115 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 116 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 127 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 122 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 123 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 125 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 118 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 119 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 128 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 117 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 129 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 124 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 126 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 121 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().


Definition at line 120 of file searchindex.h.

Referenced by addMemberToSearchIndex(), and createJavascriptSearchIndex().

Function Documentation

void createJavascriptSearchIndex ( )

Definition at line 718 of file searchindex.cpp.

References addMemberToSearchIndex(), LetterToIndexMap< T >::append(), Doxygen::classSDict, Doxygen::functionNameSDict, getUtf8CodeToLower(), Doxygen::groupSDict, GroupDef::groupTitle(), Doxygen::inputNameList, isId(), PageDef::isLinkable(), GroupDef::isLinkable(), NamespaceDef::isLinkable(), FileDef::isLinkable(), ClassDef::isLinkable(), SDict< ClassDef >::Iterator, SDict< NamespaceDef >::Iterator, SDict< MemberName >::Iterator, SDict< GroupDef >::Iterator, SDict< PageDef >::Iterator, Definition::localName(), Doxygen::mainPage, Doxygen::memberNameSDict, FileDef::name(), Definition::name(), SearchIndexInfo::name, Doxygen::namespaceSDict, NUM_SEARCH_INDICES, Doxygen::pageSDict, SEARCH_INDEX_ALL, SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES, SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES, SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS, SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES, SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS, SEARCH_INDEX_FILES, SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS, SEARCH_INDEX_GROUPS, SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES, SEARCH_INDEX_PAGES, SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES, SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED, SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS, SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES, SDict< T >::sort(), SearchIndexInfo::symbolList, SearchIndexInfo::text, theTranslator, PageDef::title(), Translator::trAll(), Translator::trClasses(), Translator::trDefines(), Translator::trEnumerations(), Translator::trEnumerationValues(), Translator::trEvents(), Translator::trFile(), Translator::trFriends(), Translator::trFunctions(), Translator::trGroup(), Translator::trNamespace(), Translator::trPage(), Translator::trProperties(), Translator::trTypedefs(), and Translator::trVariables().

Referenced by generateOutput().

// set index names
// set index texts
// add symbols to letter -> symbol list map
// index classes
ClassDef *cd;
for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(cd->localName(),0);
if (cd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
// index namespaces
for (;(nd=nli.current());++nli)
uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(nd->name(),0);
if (nd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
// index files
FileName *fn;
for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
FileDef *fd;
for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(fd->name(),0);
if (fd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
// index class members
// for each member name
for (mnli.toFirst();(mn=mnli.current());++mnli)
MemberDef *md;
// for each member definition
for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni)
// index file/namespace members
// for each member name
for (fnli.toFirst();(mn=fnli.current());++fnli)
MemberDef *md;
// for each member definition
for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni)
// index groups
GroupDef *gd;
for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current());++gli)
if (gd->isLinkable())
QCString title = gd->groupTitle();
if (!title.isEmpty()) // TODO: able searching for all word in the title
uchar charCode =;
uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
if (isId(letter))
// index pages
PageDef *pd=0;
for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi)
if (pd->isLinkable())
QCString title = pd->title();
if (!title.isEmpty())
uchar charCode =;
uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
if (isId(letter))
QCString title = Doxygen::mainPage->title();
if (!title.isEmpty())
uchar charCode =;
uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
if (isId(letter))
// sort all lists
int i;
for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it)
void finializeSearchIndexer ( )

Cleanup the search indexer

Definition at line 1320 of file searchindex.cpp.

References Doxygen::searchIndex.

Referenced by generateOutput().

const SearchIndexInfo* getSearchIndices ( )

Definition at line 1247 of file searchindex.cpp.

References g_searchIndexInfo.

Referenced by SearchIndicesContext::Private::Private().

void initSearchIndexer ( )

Initialize the search indexer

Definition at line 1298 of file searchindex.cpp.

References Config_getBool, and Doxygen::searchIndex.

Referenced by generateOutput().

static bool searchEngine = Config_getBool(SEARCHENGINE);
static bool serverBasedSearch = Config_getBool(SERVER_BASED_SEARCH);
static bool externalSearch = Config_getBool(EXTERNAL_SEARCH);
if (searchEngine && serverBasedSearch)
if (externalSearch) // external tools produce search index and engine
else // doxygen produces search index and engine
else // no search engine or pure javascript based search function
void writeJavascriptSearchIndex ( )

Definition at line 903 of file searchindex.cpp.

References IndexList::addStyleSheetFile(), Definition::anchor(), MemberDef::argsString(), Config_getBool, Config_getString, convertToXML(), ResourceMgr::copyResource(), DefinitionIntf::definitionType(), endl(), err(), externalRef(), Definition::getBodyDef(), MemberDef::getClassDef(), MemberDef::getFileDef(), Definition::getLanguage(), getLanguageSpecificSeparator(), MemberDef::getNamespaceDef(), Definition::getOuterScope(), Definition::getOutputFileBase(), Definition::getReference(), Doxygen::globalScope, Doxygen::htmlFileExtension, SearchDefinitionList::id(), Doxygen::indexList, ResourceMgr::instance(), MemberDef::isFunction(), MemberDef::isSlot(), SearchIndexList::letter(), Definition::localName(), Definition::name(), SearchDefinitionList::name(), SearchIndexInfo::name, NUM_SEARCH_INDICES, Definition::qualifiedName(), theTranslator, Translator::trGlobalNamespace(), Translator::trLoading(), Translator::trNoMatches(), Translator::trSearching(), DefinitionIntf::TypeClass, DefinitionIntf::TypeMember, DefinitionIntf::TypeNamespace, and versionString.

Referenced by generateOutput().

int i;
// write index files
QCString searchDirName = Config_getString(HTML_OUTPUT)+"/search";
for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++) // for each index
int p=0;
for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it,++p) // for each letter
QCString baseName;
QCString fileName = searchDirName + "/"+baseName+".html";
QCString dataFileName = searchDirName + "/"+baseName+".js";
QFile outFile(fileName);
QFile dataOutFile(dataFileName);
if ( &&
FTextStream t(&outFile);
t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""
" \"\">" << endl;
t << "<html><head><title></title>" << endl;
t << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8\"/>" << endl;
t << "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Doxygen " << versionString << "\"/>" << endl;
t << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"search.css\"/>" << endl;
t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" << baseName << ".js\"></script>" << endl;
t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"search.js\"></script>" << endl;
t << "</head>" << endl;
t << "<body class=\"SRPage\">" << endl;
t << "<div id=\"SRIndex\">" << endl;
t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"Loading\">" << theTranslator->trLoading() << "</div>" << endl;
t << "<div id=\"SRResults\"></div>" << endl; // here the results will be inserted
t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--" << endl;
t << "createResults();" << endl; // this function will insert the results
t << "--></script>" << endl;
t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"Searching\">"
<< theTranslator->trSearching() << "</div>" << endl;
t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"NoMatches\">"
<< theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "</div>" << endl;
t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--" << endl;
t << "document.getElementById(\"Loading\").style.display=\"none\";" << endl;
t << "document.getElementById(\"NoMatches\").style.display=\"none\";" << endl;
t << "var searchResults = new SearchResults(\"searchResults\");" << endl;
t << "searchResults.Search();" << endl;
t << "--></script>" << endl;
t << "</div>" << endl; // SRIndex
t << "</body>" << endl;
t << "</html>" << endl;
FTextStream ti(&dataOutFile);
ti << "var searchData=" << endl;
// format
// searchData[] = array of items
// searchData[x][0] = id
// searchData[x][1] = [ name + child1 + child2 + .. ]
// searchData[x][1][0] = name as shown
// searchData[x][1][y+1] = info for child y
// searchData[x][1][y+1][0] = url
// searchData[x][1][y+1][1] = 1 => target="_parent"
// searchData[x][1][y+1][2] = scope
ti << "[" << endl;
bool firstEntry=TRUE;
int itemCount=0;
for (li.toFirst();(dl=li.current());++li)
Definition *d = dl->getFirst();
if (!firstEntry)
ti << "," << endl;
ti << " ['" << dl->id() << "',['" << convertToXML(dl->name()) << "',[";
if (dl->count()==1) // item with a unique name
MemberDef *md = 0;
bool isMemberDef = d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember;
if (isMemberDef) md = (MemberDef*)d;
QCString anchor = d->anchor();
ti << "'" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE)
if (!anchor.isEmpty())
ti << "#" << anchor;
ti << "',";
static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool(EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW);
if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty())
ti << "1,";
ti << "0,";
ti << "'" << convertToXML(d->getOuterScope()->name()) << "'";
else if (md)
FileDef *fd = md->getBodyDef();
if (fd==0) fd = md->getFileDef();
if (fd)
ti << "'" << convertToXML(fd->localName()) << "'";
ti << "''";
ti << "]]";
else // multiple items with the same name
QListIterator<Definition> di(*dl);
bool overloadedFunction = FALSE;
Definition *prevScope = 0;
int childCount=0;
for (di.toFirst();(d=di.current());)
Definition *scope = d->getOuterScope();
Definition *next = di.current();
Definition *nextScope = 0;
MemberDef *md = 0;
bool isMemberDef = d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember;
if (isMemberDef) md = (MemberDef*)d;
if (next) nextScope = next->getOuterScope();
QCString anchor = d->anchor();
if (childCount>0)
ti << "],[";
ti << "'" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE)
if (!anchor.isEmpty())
ti << "#" << anchor;
ti << "',";
static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool(EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW);
if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty())
ti << "1,";
ti << "0,";
bool found=FALSE;
overloadedFunction = ((prevScope!=0 && scope==prevScope) ||
(scope && scope==nextScope)
) && md &&
(md->isFunction() || md->isSlot());
QCString prefix;
if (md) prefix=convertToXML(md->localName());
if (overloadedFunction) // overloaded member function
// show argument list to disambiguate overloaded functions
else if (md) // unique member function
prefix+="()"; // only to show it is a function
QCString name;
name = convertToXML(((ClassDef*)d)->displayName());
found = TRUE;
name = convertToXML(((NamespaceDef*)d)->displayName());
found = TRUE;
else if (scope==0 || scope==Doxygen::globalScope) // in global scope
if (md)
FileDef *fd = md->getBodyDef();
if (fd==0) fd = md->getFileDef();
if (fd)
if (!prefix.isEmpty()) prefix+=":&#160;";
name = prefix + convertToXML(fd->localName());
found = TRUE;
else if (md && (md->getClassDef() || md->getNamespaceDef()))
// member in class or namespace scope
SrcLangExt lang = md->getLanguage();
+ getLanguageSpecificSeparator(lang) + prefix;
found = TRUE;
else if (scope) // some thing else? -> show scope
name = prefix + convertToXML(scope->name());
found = TRUE;
if (!found) // fallback
name = prefix + "("+theTranslator->trGlobalNamespace()+")";
ti << "'" << name << "'";
prevScope = scope;
ti << "]]";
ti << "]";
if (!firstEntry)
ti << endl;
ti << "];" << endl;
err("Failed to open file '%s' for writing...\n",;
QFile f(searchDirName+"/searchdata.js");
if (
FTextStream t(&f);
t << "var indexSectionsWithContent =" << endl;
t << "{" << endl;
bool first=TRUE;
int j=0;
for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
if (g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList.count()>0)
if (!first) t << "," << endl;
t << " " << j << ": \"";
for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it) // for each letter
t << QString( QChar( sl->letter() ) ).utf8();
t << "\"";
if (!first) t << "\n";
t << "};" << endl << endl;
t << "var indexSectionNames =" << endl;
t << "{" << endl;
for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
if (g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList.count()>0)
if (!first) t << "," << endl;
t << " " << j << ": \"" << g_searchIndexInfo[i].name << "\"";
if (!first) t << "\n";
t << "};" << endl << endl;
t << "var indexSectionLabels =" << endl;
t << "{" << endl;
for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
if (g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList.count()>0)
if (!first) t << "," << endl;
t << " " << j << ": \"" << convertToXML(g_searchIndexInfo[i].text) << "\"";
if (!first) t << "\n";
t << "};" << endl << endl;
QFile f(searchDirName+"/nomatches.html");
if (
FTextStream t(&f);
t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" "
"\"\">" << endl;
t << "<html><head><title></title>" << endl;
t << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8\"/>" << endl;
t << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"search.css\"/>" << endl;
t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"search.js\"></script>" << endl;
t << "</head>" << endl;
t << "<body class=\"SRPage\">" << endl;
t << "<div id=\"SRIndex\">" << endl;
t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"NoMatches\">"
<< theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "</div>" << endl;
t << "</div>" << endl;
t << "</body>" << endl;
t << "</html>" << endl;